Client: Erzdiözese Wien
Location: Stephansplatz 3, 1010 Wien
Completion: 2007
Unexpected Spaces
From the quiet, almost monastic refuge one can experience the spectacular Gothic south tower od St Stephan’s close up – a fine metaphor for the spiritual responsibilities of the residents here, above the busy commercial and entertainment life of the inner city.
Hidden Refuges
The office rooms also offer spatial experiences.
The complex geometric form of the outer skin of the roof led to even more complex interior structures. They develop a game of opening and closing that, particularly at the corners gains a certain dynamic quality. The meeting rooms and individual offices are also involved in this game played with old and new structural elements, historical and modern roof edges, glass and wall that permeates the entire design.
see: Boeckl, Matthias. Attic conversion Curhaus Vienna; in: architektur aktuell 399, Vienna 2008

copyrights: falkeis.architects
Fotos: Pez Hejduk